腹 – JLPT N3 Vocabulary




    abdomen, stomach
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Learn all JLPT N3 Vocabulary – 腹 (hara), abdomen, stomach


Here is a list of examples based on the word

広大な氷の上では腹ばいになって寝る。On the open ice a bear may lie on its stomach.
彼女は彼に大いに腹を立てたので、もう少しで頬をたたくところだった。She got so angry with him that she came very close to hitting him on the cheek.
どうせ、時間に関わらず、俺が先に来てなかったら、さっさとネカフェへ行く腹積もりだったんだろう。No doubt, regardless of the time, she was planning to go to the net café without me if I hadn’t arrived first.
要するに彼女たちは腹が減っているのだ。The point is that they are hungry.
街中でイチャイチャするカップル見たら腹立ちませんか?Doesn’t it irritate you to see couples making out around town?
「見た目は悪くないがちょっと軽薄そう」な外見とは裏腹に、彼女はいないし、女性に手が早いワケでもない。In contrast to his “not bad looks but seems a bit of a dandy” appearance, he didn’t have a girlfriend and he wasn’t particularly fast with the ladies.


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