に伴って (ni tomonatte)


  1. as
  2. because
  3. with

All JLPT 2 grammar : に伴って(に伴って, ni tomonatte), as; because; with; due to, [Expression]


「少しうちに寄っていかない?」「いいの?」「うち共働きで親は遅いの」“Want to drop round my place?” “Can I?” “My parents come home late as they both work.”
そのろくでなしどもはクビになりましたよ。Those good-for-nothing layabouts were sacked.
一戸建より共同住宅に住む世帯の増加率の方が高い。The rate of increase in households is higher for apartment houses than for individual houses.
当然ですが先生は英仏語とも理解できますけれど。Obviously the teacher can understand both English and French.
船に乗っている事は、溺れるという冒険を伴って、牢獄の中にいるのと同じである。Being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned.
身命をかけて職務を実践し、すべての警察官の心に火をともしてくれました。He risked his life to carry out his duty and inspired police officers everywhere.
終わったあとも足が軽い感じがしました。I felt very light on my feet afterwards.
日本ではリング状のものが早くから普及したため「避妊リング」と呼ばれることも多い。In Japan the ring shaped ones came into use first so they’re also often called “contraceptive rings”.
この公園の西側に近いところは、道路の騒音も大きいが、奥にはいるともう聞こえない。Near the west side of the park there’s a lot of noise from the road, but when you go into the park you can’t hear it any more.


働きhatarakiwork, labor
oyaparent, parents
遅いosoislow, late
少しsukoshismall quantity, little
houdirection, way, side
住宅juutakuresidence, housing
共同kyoudoudoing together, joint
obiobi, kimono sash
ritsurate, ratio
住むsumuto live, to reside
高いtakaihigh, tall, expensive
理解rikaiunderstanding, comprehension
sakiprevious, prior, former
先生senseiteacher, master, doctor
冒険boukenadventure, risk
溺れるoboreruto drown
funeship, boat
kotothing, matter
nakainside, in, among
同じonajisame, identical
実践jissenpractice; putting into practice; implementation
職務shokumuprofessional duties
inochilife, life force
mibody, oneself
kokoromind, heart, spirit
もしmoshiif, in case
hifire, flame
感じkanjifeeling, sense
owarithe end
ashifoot, leg
普及fukyuudiffusion; spread; popularization; promulgation; familiarization
早くhayakuearly, soon, quickly
多いooimany, numerous, a lot
道路douroroad, highway
okuinner part
近いchikainear, close
大きいookiibig, large, great
sobanear, close, beside


シンおや, おや-, した.しいparent, intimacy
ショウすく.ない, すこ.しfew, little
おく.れる, おく.らす, おそ.いslow, late, back
よ.る, -よ.り, よ.せるdraw near, gather
キョウとも, とも.に, -どもtogether, both
コウたか.い, たか, -だかtall, high, expensive
ドウおな.じsame, equal
ホウかた, -かた, -がたdirection
ジュウ,ヂュウ,チュウす.む, す.まう, -ず.まいdwell, reside
ケン,コンた.てる, た.て, -だ.てbuild
セイ,セ,ソウgeneration, world
くわ.える, くわ.わるadd, addition
タクhome, house, residence
ゾウま.す, ま.し, ふ.えるincrease, gain
かた.る, かた.らうword, speech, language
セイ,ショウい.きる, い.かす, い.けるlife, genuine, birth
センさき, ま.ずbefore, ahead, previous, future, precedence
エイはなぶさEngland, hero
ことわりlogic, reason
カイ,ゲと.く, と.かす, と.けるexplanation, solve
トウあ.たる, あ.たり, あ.てるhit, right, appropriate
ゼン,ネンしか, しか.り, しか.しso, sort of thing
チュウなか, うち, あた.るin, inside, middle, center
ジ,ズこと, つか.う, つか.えるmatter, thing
ジョウ,ショウの.る, -の.り, の.せるride, board
センふね, ふな-ship, boat
ひ, -び, ほ-fire
シンこころ, -ごころheart, mind
ジツ,シツみ, みの.る, まことreality, truth
カンbureaucrat, organ
ケイいまし.めるadmonish, commandment
メイ,ミョウいのちfate, destiny, life
つと.めるtask, duties
サツguess, presume
シンsomebody, person
ショク,ソクpost, employment
シュウお.わる, -お.わる, おわ.るend, finish
ソクあし, た.りる, た.るleg, be sufficient
カンemotion, feeling
ホンもとbook, present, main, origin, true, real
ニチ,ジツひ, -び, -かday, sun, Japan, counter for days
ソウ,サッはや.い, はや, はや-early, fast
おお.い, まさ.に, まさ.るmany, much
ジョウstatus quo, conditions
よ.ぶcall, call out to
ブン,モンき.く, き.こえるhear, ask, listen
ダイ,タイおお-, おお.きい, -おお.いにlarge, big
西セイ,サイ,スにしwest, Spain
ドウ,トウみち, いうroad-way, course
キン,コンちか.いnear, early
コウ,クおおやけpublic, official
オン,イン,-ノンおと, ねsound, noise
エンそのpark, garden, yard
ロ,ル-じ, みちpath, route, road
ソクかわ, がわ, そばside, lean, oppose


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