JLPT N4 - All vocabulary list

JLPT - All vocabulary list

่™ซ โ€“ JLPT N4 Vocabulary

่™ซ (mushi), insect, bug. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.
JLPT - All vocabulary list

ๅ…ฅ้™ข โ€“ JLPT N4 Vocabulary

ๅ…ฅ้™ข (nyuuin), hospitalization. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.
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ๅ‚ใ‚‹ โ€“ JLPT N4 Vocabulary

ๅ‚ใ‚‹ (mairu), to go, to come. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.
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ใ•ใฃใ โ€“ JLPT N4 Vocabulary

ใ•ใฃใ (sakki), some time ago, just now. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.
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ๆฐดๆณณ โ€“ JLPT N4 Vocabulary

ๆฐดๆณณ (suiei), swimming. Learn how to read and use this word in Japanese.
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