10 “Japanglish” words : English that is only used in Japan

Mamechishiki Blog

What is “Japanglish” or “Japaglish”?

If you are learning Japanese, you might have heard or seen a few odd words, which are very different from original words in English. These are used by Japanese people, and most of them think it is natural English.

However, it isn’t actually. These words are often called “Japanglish”.

Therefore, I gathered such words in this article. If you learn them in here, you could avoid misunderstanding when you talk with Japanese people.

10 Japanglish words we often use

1. ノートパソコン

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
    Nooto pasokon
  • Meaning
    It means “laptop.” ノート means ”notebook”, and パソコン means “personal computer”. We call it like this because a laptop is as thin as a notebook. Besides, we also use ノーパソ(Noopaso) in a casual way. It is a short form of ノートパソコン.

2. ズボン

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
  • Meaning
    It means “pants” or ”trousers”. This ズボン(Zubon) originally comes from “Jubon” which is French word, and means “women’s underwear”.

3. クレーム

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
  • Meaning
    クレーム comes from English word “claim”. However, we usually use this word as “complaint”.

4. フライドポテト

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
    Furaido Poteto
  • Meaning
    It is the word for “french fries”. It comes from “fried potatoes” in a literal way, but this is used by Japanese only.

5. マンション

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
  • Meaning
    Although It comes from ”mansion”, we usually use this word as ”large apartment” or ”condominium”.

6. シュークリーム

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
  • Meaning
    シュークリーム means “cream puff”. This word originally comes from French word “Chou à la crème”( which means “creamed cabbage”).

7. ジェットコースター

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
    Jetto koosutaa
  • Meaning
    It means “roller coaster”. ジェット refers to “jet”. It was named after a jet plane when it came into Japan.

8. タバコ

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
  • Meaning
    It means “cigarette“, and comes from “Tabacco”. This is originally introduced from the Portuguese word “Tabaco”.

9. トイレ

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
  • Meaning
    It means “restroom”, and comes from “toilet”.

    By the way, If you use this word in formal situation, you may want to say お手洗い(Otearai) which is more polite than トイレ.

10. ビーチサンダル

  • Hiragana
  • Romaji
    Biichi sandaru
  • Meaning
    It means “beach sandals” as known as “flip-flops”. Almost Japanese people probably don’t know this “flip-flops”, so it would be better for you to remember this word.

If you have any questions, please let me know! You can ask me anything in the comment form.  


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