JLPT N1 – Vocabulary list

401政策 seisakupolitical measures; policy
402視線 shisenone’s line of sight, one’s gaze
403嫉妬 shittojealousy, envy
404損なう sokonauto harm, to hurt, to injure
405遂行 suikouaccomplishment, execution
406取引 torihikitransactions, dealings
407整える totonoeruto put in order, to adjust
408直面 chokumenconfrontation, to face
409復讐 fukushuurevenge
410繁栄 han’eiprosperity, thriving
411変動 hendouchange, fluctuation
412依存 izondependence, reliance
413事業 jigyouproject; enterprise; business; industry; operations; venture; service
414介入 kainyuuintervention
415賭け kakebetting, gambling
416確保 kakuhosecuring; obtaining; ensuring; guarantee; maintaining
417軽減 keigenabatement; reduction
418規定 kiteistipulation; prescription; provision; regulation; rule
419重荷 omoniload, heavy burden
420愚か orokafoolish, stupid
421論理 ronrilogic, logical
422採用 saiyouuse; adoption; acceptance; appointment; employment; engagement; recruitment
423正当 seitoujust, justifiable, right
424使命 shimeimission; errand; task; duty; obligation
425進化 shinkaevolution; progress
426象徴 shouchousymbol
427消滅 shoumetsuextinction, extinguishment
428措置 sochimeasure, measures, step
429損失 sonshitsuloss
430達成 tasseiachievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization
431告げる tsugeruto tell, to inform
432運営 un’eimanagement; administration; operation
433用件 youkenbusiness; thing to be done; something that should be performed; information that should be conveyed
* indicates required