JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

701入門 nyuumonentering an institution; beginning training; primer; manual; introduction
702思い返す omoikaesuto re-think; to think back upon; to change one’;s mind
703思い切り omoikiriwith all one’;s strength; with all one’;s heart; to the utmost; resolution; decisiveness
704重苦しい omokurushiiheavy; gloomy; awkward; cumbrous; oppressive; leaden
705多く ookumany; much; largely; abundantly; mostly
706訪れる otozureruto visit; to call on; to arrive; to come; to appear
707欧米 oubeiEurope and America; the West
708性能 seinouability; performance; efficiency
709視覚 shikakusense of sight; vision
710湿っぽい shimeppoidamp; humid; wet; gloomy; melancholy
711視点 shitenopinion; point of view; visual point
712主観 shukansubjectivity; subject
713創立 souritsuestablishment; founding; organization; organisation
714数分 suufunseveral minutes; a few minutes
715束ねる tabaneruto tie up in a bundle
716対比 taihicontrast; comparison
717手が空く te ga aku/te ga sukuto be free; to be available
718手早い tebayainimble; quick; agile
719定着 teichakusticking
720提供 teikyouoffer; tender; providing; supplying; making available; donating
721逃亡 toubouescape; flight; running away; elopement; fleeing
722陶器 toukiporcelain
723努める tsutomeruto endeavor
724受け入れる ukeireruto accept; to receive; to agree
725促す unagasuto urge; to encourage; to press; to prompt; to draw
726売り上げ uriageamount sold; sales; proceeds; takings; turnover
727分かれる wakareruto separate; to split; to divide; to disperse; to scatter
728枠組み wakugumiframe; framework; outline
729幼稚園 youchienkindergarten
730要因 youinmain cause; primary factor
731用件 youkenbusiness; thing to be done; something that should be performed; information that should be conveyed
732指差す yubisasuto point at
733属する zokusuruto belong to; to come under; to be affiliated with; to be subject to
734分解 bunkaidisassembly; dismantling; disaggregating; analysis; disintegrating; decomposing; degrading
735直結 chokketsudirect connection; direct link
736中継 chuukeirelay; relay broadcasting
737伝染 densencontagion; infection
738伝達 dentatsutransmission
739不完全 fukanzenimperfect; incomplete; faulty; defective
740鼻水 hanamizunasal mucus; dripping nose; snot
741人前 hitomaepresence of other people;
742日差し hizashisunlight; rays of the sun
743本社 honshahead office; main office; headquarters; parent company; this company; this shrine
744包丁 houchoukitchen knife; carving knife
745意外性 igaiseiunpredictability; element of surprise
746一色 isshokusame tendency; everyone being caught up in the same thing; one color
747一旦 ittanonce; for a short time; briefly; temporarily
748次回 jikainext time
749人工物 jinkoubutsuartificial object; man-made object; artifact; artefact
750事典 jitenencyclopedia; cyclopedia
* indicates required