JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

801不調 fuchoubad condition; not to work out
802原理 genriprinciple; theory; fundamental truth
803合同 goudoucombination; union; incorporation; amalgamation; fusion
804反映 han’eireflection
805半減 hangenreduction by half; halving
806隔てる hedateruto separate
807変換  henkanchange; conversion; transformation
808引き止める hikitomeruto detain; to check; to restrain
809非公式 hikoushikiinformal; unofficial
810非難 hinancriticism; blame; censure; attack; reproach
811潜む hisomuto lurk; to be hidden; to be concealed; to lie dormant; to be latent
812印刷物 insatsubutsuprinted matter
813実感 jikkanreal feeling; actual feeling
814時給 jikyuuhourly pay; hourly wage
815持参 jisanbringing; taking; carrying
816循環 junkancirculation; rotation; cycle; loop
817花粉症 kafunshouhay fever; pollinosis
818観念 kannenidea; notion; concept; conception; sense
819下等 katouinferior; base; vulgar; low grade; lower class
820決勝戦 kesshousenchampionship game; finals
821心強い kokorozuyoiheartening; reassuring
822孤立 koritsuisolation; being alone; being friendless
823香水 kousuiperfume
824目線 mesenone’;s gaze; point of view; standpoint
825何らか nanrakasome; any; in any way; of some kind; of some sort
826乗り越える norikoeruto climb over; to get over; to ride across; to overcome; to surpass; to overtake
827思い込み omoikomiwrong impression; subjective impression; assumption; prejudice
828山頂 sanchousummit
829清算 seisansettlement
830選挙 senkyoelection
831車両 sharyourolling stock; railroad cars; wheeled vehicles
832氏名 shimeifull name; identity
833染み付く shimitsukuto be indelibly stained or ingrained; to be dyed in deeply
834新設 shinsetsuestablishing; founding; setting up; organizing; establishment
835申請書 shinseishowritten application
836賞品 shouhinprize; trophy
837主人公 shujinkouprotagonist; main character; hero(ine)
838据える sueruto place
839多大 tadaigreat
840体格 taikakuphysique; constitution
842単調 tanchoumonotony; monotone; dullness
843頼もしい tanomoshiireliable; trustworthy; hopeful; promising
844天候不順 tenkoufujununseasonable weather; fickle weather; bad weather
845特効薬 tokkouyakuspecific medicine; wonder drug; silver bullet
846取り組み torikumibout
847取り消し torikeshicancellation; withdrawal; abolition; revocation; cancel
848年取る toshitoruto grow old; to age
849登校 toukouattendance
850通信販売 tsuushinhanbaimail order; mail-order sales; shop-by-mail service; on-line shopping service
* indicates required