JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

1101読み取る yomitoruto read and understand; to take in; to sense from external cues; to read
1102味付け ajitsukeseasoning; flavor
1103憧れる akogareruto long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by
1104当てはまる atehamaruto apply
1105歩み寄る ayumiyoruto compromise; to meet halfway; to step up to; to walk up to; to approach
1106敏感 binkansensitive; alert; aware; susceptible
1107文献 bunkenliterature; books
1108彫刻 choukokucarving; engraving; sculpture
1109負担 futanburden; load; responsibility; bearing
1110現在地 genzaichipresent location; current location; “you are here”
1111発揮 hakkishow
1112白衣 hakuiwhite robe;
1113返品 henpinreturned goods; returning purchased goods
1114比例 hireiproportion
1115本心 honshintrue feelings
1116補足 hosokusupplement; complement
1117方針 houshinpolicy; plan; course; principle; objective
1118入れ込む irekomuto put in; to place inside; to push into; to stuff into; to be enthusiastic; to be engrossed
1119衣装 ishouclothing; costume; outfit; garment; dress
1120受験生 jukenseistudent preparing for or taking examinations
1121開発 kaihatsudevelopment; exploitation
1122果実 kajitsufruit; nut; berry; profit
1123絡む karamuto entangle; to entwine; to pick a quarrel; to find fault
1124数多く kazuookuin great numbers
1125経営者 keieishamanager; proprietor
1126蛍光灯 keikoutoufluorescent lamp; fluorescent light
1127携帯 keitaisomething carried
1128気を失う ki o ushinauto lose consciousness; to faint; to black out
1129気分転換 kibuntenkanchange of pace; change of mood;
1130個体 kotaiindividual; specimen
1131更新 koushinrenewal; update; innovation; improvement
1132苦戦 kusenhard fight; close game; struggle; tight contest
1133mizoditch; drain; gutter; trench; groove; tread; gap
1134物足りない monotarinaiunsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient
1135催し moyooshievent; festivities; function; social gathering; auspices; opening; holding
1136内線 naisenphone extension; indoor wiring; inner line
1137濁る nigoruto become muddy; to become cloudy; to get impure
1138日数 nissuua number of days
1139落ち込む ochikomuto feel down; to feel sad; to be depressed; to be in low spirits; to be in a slump
1140思いつき omoitsukiplan; idea; suggestion
1141思い浮かぶ omoiukabuto occur to; to remind of; to come to mind
1142大幅 oohababig; large; drastic; substantial
1143押し付ける oshitsukeruto press; to push; to force; to foist on
1144採集 saishuucollecting; gathering
1145作成 sakuseidrawing up
1146正門 seimonmain gate; main entrance
1147設計者 sekkeishadesigner
1148説得力 settokuryokupersuasiveness; powers of persuasion; cogency
1149写生 shaseisketching; drawing from nature; portrayal; description
1150沈める shizumeruto sink; to submerge; to floor
* indicates required