JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

1401成し遂げる nashitogeruto accomplish; to finish; to fulfill
1402狙う nerauto aim at; to be after
1403追い越す oikosuto pass
1404重み omomiweight
1405応答 outoureply; answer; response
1406連休 renkyuuconsecutive holidays
1407理系 rikeiscience
1408履歴書 rirekishopersonal history; curriculum vitae; resume
1409領域 ryouikiarea; domain; territory; field; range; region; regime
1410緑茶 ryokuchagreen tea; Japanese tea
1411探る saguruto feel around for; to fumble for; to grope for; to search for; to look for; to investigate; to probe into; to spy on; to sound out
1412洗濯機 sentakukiwashing machine
1413絞る shiboruto wring
1414司会 shikaileading a meeting; presiding over a meeting; officiating at a ceremony; chairmanship; chairman; presenter; host; moderator; master of ceremonies
1415親しむ shitashimuto be intimate with; to befriend
1416出席者 shussekishathose present; attendance
1417出演 shutsuenperformance; appearance
1418秀才 shuusaibright person; talented student; prodigy
1419収集 shuushuucollecting; accumulating; gathering; collection
1420速達 sokutatsuexpress; special delivery
1421送客 soukyakusending customers
1422立ち止まる tachidomaruto stop
1423体制 taiseiorder; system; structure; set-up; organization; organisation
1424多様化 tayoukadiversification
1425低下 teikafall; decline; lowering; deterioration; degradation
1426的確 tekikakuprecise; accurate; appropriate; exactly the right
1427適性 tekiseiaptitude; aptness; suitability
1428宇宙人 uchuujinspace alien; alien; extraterrestrial being
1429受け答え ukekotaereply; response; answer
1430和風 wafuuJapanese style
1431優良 yuuryousuperior; excellent; fine
1432全面的 zenmentekitotal; complete; all-out; general; extensive; full-scale
1433運営 un’eimanagement; administration; operation
1434相性 aishouaffinity; compatibility
1435圧勝 asshoucomplete victory
1436歩む ayumuto walk; to go on foot
1437防災 bousaiprevention of damage resulting from a natural disaster; protection against disaster
1438文面 bunmencontent of a letter
1439分配 bunpaidivision; splitting; sharing; distribution; dissemination; allocation
1440蓄積 chikusekiaccumulation; accumulate; store
1441中断 chuudaninterruption; suspension; break
1442大学院 daigakuingraduate school
1443同年代 dounendaithe same generation; coeval
1444深める fukameruto deepen; to heighten; to intensify
1445触れ合う fureauto come into contact with; to touch
1446不良品 furyouhininferior goods; defective product; defective goods
1447fuuappearance; air
1448学生課 gakuseikastudent affairs office
1449合宿 gasshukulodging together; training camp; boarding house
1450厳守 genshustrict observance; rigid adherence; scrupulous compliance
* indicates required