JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

401分担 buntantaking on one’;s share
402段階 dankaigrade; level; stage; class; phase; steps; order; gradation
403不機嫌 fukigenpout; displeasure; ill humor; ill humour; sullenness
404含める fukumeruto include
405触れ合い fureaicontact; connectedness; rapport; mutual touching
406画用紙 gayoushidrawing paper
407話し合い hanashiaidiscussion; conference
408半数 hansuuhalf the number
409閉店 heitenclosing up shop
410日々 hibievery day; daily; day after day; days
411密か hisokasecret; private; surreptitious
412欲する hossuruto want; to desire
413一面 ichimenone face; one surface; the whole surface; one aspect; one side;
414一覧 ichiranlook; glance; sight; inspection; summary; list; table; catalog; catalogue
415言い訳 iiwakeexcuse; explanation
416印鑑 inkanstamp; seal
417依然 izenstill; as yet; as it has been
418上級者 joukyuushaadvanced student; advanced learner; advanced practitioner; experienced person
419輝かしい kagayakashiibrilliant; glorious; glittering; bright; splendid
420簡略 kanryakusimple; simplicity; brief; brevity
421研修会 kenshuukaiworkshop; training course
422試み kokoromiattempt; trial; experiment; endeavour
423言葉遣い kotobazukaispeech; expression; wording; language
424交流会 koukyuukaigathering; mixer; meetup; assembly; social; exchange meeting
425肯定 kouteiaffirmation
426紅葉 kouyouautumn colours; fall colors; leaves changing color
427空席 kuusekiempty seat; unoccupied seat; vacancy; vacant post
428休業 kyuugyouclosed
429窓口 madoguchiticket window; teller window; counter; contact person; point of contact
430見分ける miwakeruto distinguish; to recognize; to recognise; to tell apart; to differentiate
431無関係 mukankeiunrelated
432昔話 mukashibanashiold tale; folk tale; legend; reminiscence
433お勧め osusumerecommendation; advice; suggestion; encouragement
434略す ryakusuto abbreviate; to omit; to abbreviate; to omit
435再生 saiseiresuscitation; regeneration; restoration to life; reformation; rehabilitation; playback; regeneration
436精神力 seishinryokuemotional strength; force of will
437専業主婦 sengyoushufuhousewife
438痺れる shibireruto become numb; to go to sleep
439志願 shiganaspiration; volunteering; desire; application
440進行 shinkoumoving forward
441素人 shiroutoamateur; layman; ordinary person; novice
442視野 shiyafield of vision; view; one’;s outlook
443染まる somaruto be dyed; to be tainted; to be infected; to be stained; to be steeped
444創作 sousakucreation; production; creative work
445対抗 taikouopposition; antagonism
446退出 taishutsuleaving
447手足 teashihands and feet; limbs
448手帳 techounotebook; memo pad;
449転校生 tenkouseitransfer student; student changing schools
450特集 tokushuufeature
* indicates required