JLPT N3 – Vocabulary list

701地方 chihoudistrict, region, area
702昼食 chuushokulunch, midday meal
703大成功 daiseikouhuge success
704dansteps, stair, grade, rank
705演説 enzetsuspeech, address
706不満 fumandissatisfaction, displeasure
707画面 gamenterminal screen
708現場 genbaactual spot, scene
709ぐっすり gussurisound sleep
710博物館 hakubutsukanmuseum
711花屋 hanayaflorist, flower shop
712反抗 hankouopposition, resistance
713hizaknee, lap
714一応 ichioujust in case, pretty much
715一層 issoumuch more, still more
716至る itaruto arrive at, to reach
717言わば iwabaso to speak
718自慢 jimanpride, boast
719地面 jimenground; earth’;s surface
720時差 jisatime difference
721助手 joshuhelper, assistant
722juugun, rifle
723住宅 juutakuresidence, housing
724kaicounter for occurrences
725輝く kagayakuto shine, to glitter
726必ずしも kanarazushimonot always
727感謝 kanshathanks, gratitude
728川沿い kawazoialong the river, riverside
729傾向 keikoutendency, trend
730検査 kensainspection, examination
731建設 kensetsuconstruction
732気味 kimisensation, feeling
734kotowazaproverb, maxim
735交通費 koutsuuhitraveling expenses
736急激 kyuugekisudden, radical
737給料 kyuuryousalary, wages
738見事 migotosplendid, magnificent
739魅力 miryokucharm, fascination
740物事 monogotothings, everything
741求める motomeruto want, to wish for
742迎え mukaemeeting, greeting
743流れる nagareruto stream, to flow
744苦手 nigatepoor at, weak in
745okiopen sea
746起こる okoruto occur, to happen
747大型 oogatalarge, larged-size
748覆う oouto cover, to conceal
749大家 ooyalandlord, landlady
750冷静 reiseicalm, composure
* indicates required