JLPT N3 – Vocabulary list

1251書き直す kakinaosuto write out, to rewrite
1252活気 kakkienergy, liveliness
1253過去 kakothe past, bygone days
1254構う kamauto mind, to care about
1255kamiGod, deity
1256感激 kangekideep emotion, impression
1257語り合う katariauto talk together
1258勝手 katteone’;s own convenience, selfish
1259経由 keiyuthrough, via
1260金庫 kinkosafe, vault
1261気温 kionatmospheric temperature
1262kishibank, coast, shore
1263帰宅 kitakureturning home
1264kizuwound, injury, cut
1265硬貨 koukacoin
1266高価 koukahigh price
1267苦しい kurushiipainful, difficult
1268強調 kyouchouemphasis, highlight
1269教師 kyoushiteacher
1270面倒 mendoutrouble, care
1271持上げる mochiageruto elevate, to raise
1272模様 moyoupattern, design
1273nawarope, cord
1274主に omo nimainly, primarily
1275裁判 saibantrial, judgement
1276賛成 sanseiapproval, agreement
1277satewell, now, then
1278政府 seifugovernment, administration
1279縛る shibaruto tie, to bind, to fasten
1280進学 shingakuentering a higher-level school
1282使用 shiyouuse, application
1283奨学金 shougakukinscholarship
1284少年 shounenboy, juvenile
1285承認 shouninrecognition, acknowledgement
1286修正 shuuseiamendment, correction
1287大戦 taisengreat war, great battle
1288適度 tekidomoderate
1289徒歩 tohowalking, going on foot
1290得意 tokuione’s strong point, frequent customer
1291突然 totsuzenabrupt, sudden
1292次々 tsugitsugiin succession, one by one
1293掴む tsukamuto seize, to catch
1294野球 yakyuubaseball
1295要求 youkyuudemand, firm request
1296愉快 yukaipleasant, happy
1297全体 zentaiwhole, entirety
1298頭痛 zutsuuheadache
1299愛する aisuruto love
1300物価 bukkaprices of commodities
* indicates required