JLPT N3 - All grammar list

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ใ‚ˆใ†ใซ่ฆ‹ใˆใ‚‹ (you ni mieru)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ๆง˜ใซ่ฆ‹ใˆใ‚‹๏ผˆใ‚ˆใ†ใซ่ฆ‹ใˆใ‚‹, you ni mieru๏ผ‰, it looks like ..
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็ตๅฑ€ (kekkyoku)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ็ตๅฑ€๏ผˆ็ตๅฑ€, kekkyoku๏ผ‰, after all; in the end; ultimately; eventually
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ใŸใณใซ (tabi ni)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ๅบฆใซ๏ผˆใŸใณใซ, tabi ni๏ผ‰, each time; every time; whenever (something happens); on the occasion of
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ใซใคใ‚Œใฆ (ni tsurete)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ใซ้€ฃใ‚Œใฆ๏ผˆใซใคใ‚Œใฆ, ni tsurete๏ผ‰, as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.)
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ใ€‡ใ€‡ใ‚‚ใ€‡ใ€‡ใฐใ€‡ใ€‡ใ‚‚ (mo-ba-mo)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ใ€‡ใ€‡ใ‚‚ใ€‡ใ€‡ใฐใ€‡ใ€‡ใ‚‚๏ผˆใ€‡ใ€‡ใ‚‚ใ€‡ใ€‡ใฐใ€‡ใ€‡ใ‚‚, mo-ba-mo๏ผ‰, if .. is .., then .. is too
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ใจใ„ใˆใฐ (to ieba)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ใจ่จ€ใˆใฐ๏ผˆใจใ„ใˆใฐ, to ieba๏ผ‰, speaking of ...
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ไพ‹ใˆใฐ (tatoeba)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ไพ‹ใˆใฐ๏ผˆไพ‹ใˆใฐ, tatoeba๏ผ‰, for example; for instance; e.g.
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ใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ‚‚ (yorimo)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ‚‚๏ผˆใ‚ˆใ‚Šใ‚‚, yorimo๏ผ‰, in comparison to
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ใฐใ„ใ„ (ba ii)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ใฐใ„ใ„๏ผˆใฐใ„ใ„, ba ii๏ผ‰, it would be nice if ..
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ใ“ใจใซใชใฃใฆใ„ใ‚‹ (koto ni natteiru)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ใ“ใจใซใชใฃใฆใ„ใ‚‹๏ผˆใ“ใจใซใชใฃใฆใ„ใ‚‹, koto ni natteiru๏ผ‰, to be scheduled to (do); to be expected to (do)
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