JLPT N1 – Vocabulary list

301収益 shuuekiearnings, proceeds, returns
302体験 taikenpersonal experience; physical experience; one’;s own experience
303強まる tsuyomaruto get strong, to gain strength
304誘惑 yuuwakutemptation, allurement
305映像 eizouimage
306現地 genchiactual place, local
307避難 hinantaking refuge; finding shelter; evacuation; escape; seeking safe haven
308必然 hitsuzeninevitable, necessary
309地元 jimotohome area; home town; local
310官僚 kanryoubureaucrat, bureaucracy
311経路 keirocourse, route, means
312権限 kengenpower, authority, jurisdiction
313決断 ketsudandecision; determination
314気絶 kizetsufaint, swoon
315傷つける kizutsukeruto wound, to injure
316屈辱 kutsujokudisgrace, humiliation
317教訓 kyoukunlesson, precept
318成熟 seijukumaturity, ripeness
319戦略 senryakustrategy; tactics
320指揮 shikicommand, direction
321収集 shuushuucollecting; accumulating; gathering; collection
322天井 tenjouceiling, ceiling price
323投入 tounyuuthrowing into, inserting
324統制 touseiregulation, control
325追跡 tsuisekichase, pursuit, tracing
326費やす tsuiyasuto spend, to consume
327大胆 daitanbold, daring, audacious
328同情 doujousympathy, compassion
329配置 haichiarrangement, deployment
330放棄 houkiabandonment, renunciation
331著しい ichijirushiistriking; remarkable; considerable
332地獄 jigokuhell
333実質 jisshitsusubstance; essence; real
334寛容 kanyoutolerance, generosity
335決意 ketsuidecision, determination
336交渉 koushounegotiations, discussions
337訪れる otozureruto visit; to call on; to arrive; to come; to appear
338負う outo bear, to take responsibility for
339連中 renchuucompany, lot, bunch
340細部 saibudetails
341強いる shiiruto force, to compel, to coerce
342生涯 shougaione’;s lifetime
343守衛 shueisecurity guard, doorkeeper
344保つ tamotsuto keep; to preserve; to hold; to retain; to maintain; to sustain; to last; to endure; to keep well
345tomiriches, wealth, fortune
346打ち明ける uchiakeruto confide; to reveal; to disclose; to lay bare; to speak frankly; to open
347野心 yashinambition, aspiration
348要因 youinmain cause; primary factor
349分散 bunsandispersion, breakup
350沈黙 chinmokusilence, being silent
* indicates required