JLPT N3 – Vocabulary list

1401現金 genkincash, ready money
1402母親 hahaoyamother
1403heiwall, fence
1404減らす herasuto abate, to decrease
1405引っ張る hipparuto pull, to draw
1406評判 hyoubanfame, reputation
1407事務 jimubusiness, office work
1408上下 jougeup and down, top and bottom
1409条件 joukenconditions, terms
1410勝ち kachiwin, victory
1411各地 kakuchievery place, various places
1412片方 katahouone of a pair, one side
1413契約 keiyakucontract, agreement
1414機械 kikaimachine, mechanism
1415呼吸 kokyuubreathing, respiration
1416困難 konnandifficulty, distress
1417婚約 kon’yakuengagement, betrothal
1418転ぶ korobuto fall down
1419断る kotowaruto refuse, to reject
1420攻撃 kougekiattack, strike
1421交換 koukanexchange, interchange
1422構成 kouseiorganization, composition
1423kurairank, class, grade
1424詳しい kuwashiidetailed
1425kyokubureau, department
1427満足 manzokusatisfaction, contentment
1428迷う mayouto lose one’;s way
1429身近 midjikanear oneself, close to one, familiar
1430文字 mojiletter
1432仲間 nakamafellow, companion
1433中身 nakamicontents, interior
1434情けない nasakenaimiserable, pitiable
1435年代 nendaiage, era, period
1436終える oeruto finish
1437老い oiold age, old person
1438利益 riekiprofit, gains
1439盛り moriserving, helping
1440去る saruto leave, to go away
1441制限 seigenrestriction, restraint
1442支払う shiharauto pay
1443示す shimesuto show, to indicate
1444信号 shingousignal, traffic light
1445親友 shin’yuuclose friend
1446そっくり sokkuriall, together, just like
1447注ぐ sosoguto pour into, to fill
1448掃除機 soujikivacuum cleaner
1449水準 suijunlevel, standard
1450体育 taiikuphysical education
* indicates required