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JLPT - All grammar list

ๆ‰‹ๅ‰ (temae)

All JLPT 1 grammar : ๆ‰‹ๅ‰๏ผˆๆ‰‹ๅ‰, temae๏ผ‰, before oneself; in front of one; nearby
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ๅพŒใง (ato de)

All JLPT 4 grammar : ๅพŒใง๏ผˆๅพŒใง, ใ‚ใจใง๏ผ‰, afterwards
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ใจใ‹๏ผˆใง๏ผ‰ (toka de)

All JLPT 2 grammar : ใจใ‹๏ผˆใจใ‹๏ผˆใง๏ผ‰, toka de๏ผ‰, and the like; such as; among other things; and so on
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ใตใ‚Šใ‚’ใ™ใ‚‹ (furi o suru)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ๆŒฏใ‚Šใ‚’ใ™ใ‚‹๏ผˆใตใ‚Šใ‚’ใ™ใ‚‹, furi o suru๏ผ‰, to pretend
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ใ ใ‘ใงใชใ (dake de naku)

All JLPT 4 grammar : ใ ใ‘ใงใชใ๏ผˆใ ใ‘ใงใชใ, dake de naku๏ผ‰, not only ... (but also); not just; as well as
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ใ•ใ™ใŒ (sasuga)

All JLPT 4 grammar : ๆต็Ÿณ๏ผˆใ•ใ™ใŒ, sasuga๏ผ‰, as one would expect
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ใ  / ใงใ™ (da / desu)

All JLPT 5 grammar : ใ  / ใงใ™๏ผˆใ  / ใงใ™, da / desu๏ผ‰, be; is
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ใŒใก (gachi)

All JLPT 3 grammar : ้›…่‡ด๏ผˆใŒใก, gachi๏ผ‰, artistry; good taste; elegance; grace
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ใชใ„ใงใใ ใ•ใ„ (naide kudasai)

All JLPT 5 grammar : ใชใ„ใงไธ‹ใ•ใ„๏ผˆใชใ„ใงใใ ใ•ใ„, naide kudasai๏ผ‰, please don't ..
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ใ‹ใญใชใ„ (kanenai)

All JLPT 2 grammar : ๅ…ผใญใชใ„๏ผˆใ‹ใญใชใ„, kanenai๏ผ‰, quite capable of ...; could happen; not unlikely to
* indicates required