JLPT N2 – Vocabulary list

1001仮に kari nisupposing; even if; granting that; for argument’;s sake; temporarily; provisionally; for the time being
1002個人差 kojinsaindividual differences; personal equation
1003心地良い kokochiyoicomfortable; pleasant
1004固定 koteifixing
1005高熱 kounetsuhigh fever
1006悔やむ kuyamuto mourn; to lament; to be sorry; to regret; to repent
1007極端 kyokutanextreme; extremity
1008教員 kyouinteacher; instructor; teaching staff; faculty member
1009密接 missetsuclose
1010見通し mitooshiunobstructed view; perspective; visibility; vista; forecast; outlook; prospect; prediction; insight; foresight
1011寝転がる nekorogaruto lie down; to throw oneself down
1012偽物 nisemonospurious article; forgery; counterfeit; imitation; sham
1013乗り継ぐ noritsuguto connect
1014農作物 nousakubutsucrops; agricultural produce
1015温厚 onkougentle; mild-mannered
1016大げさ oogesagrandiose; exaggerated
1017来場者 raijoushathose attending
1018再度 saidotwice; again; second time
1019政策 seisakupolitical measures; policy
1020説教 sekkyouremonstration; scolding; lecturing
1021写真家 shashinkaphotographer
1022支持 shijisupport; backing; endorsement; approval
1023新築 shinchikunew building; new construction
1024振動 shindouoscillation; vibration; swing
1025自然界 shizenkainature; the natural world; realm of nature
1026職員 shokuinstaff member; personnel
1027修業 shuugyoupursuit of knowledge; studying; learning; training; completing a course
1028習得 shuutokulearning; acquisition
1029好き嫌い sukikirailikes and dislikes; pickiness
1030宅配 takuhaihome delivery
1031多難 tananfull of troubles, difficulties
1032単身 tanshinalone; unaided; away from home
1033畳む tatamuto fold
1034手に付かない te ni tsukanaiunable to concentrate on
1035低価格 teikakulow price
1036低コスト teikosutolow cost
1037問い合わせる toiawaseruto enquire; to inquire; to seek information
1038特殊 tokushuspecial; particular; peculiar; unique
1039特定 tokuteispecific; particular; designated; special; specifying; designating; identifying; pinpointing
1040取り込む torikomuto take in; to bring in; to adopt
1041付け加え tsukekuwaeaddition
1042作り上げる tsukuriageruto build up; to complete; to construct; to create; to invent; to cook up
1043強気 tsuyokiconfident; assured; self-assured; firm; strong; cocksure
1044utsuwabowl; vessel; container; ability; capacity; calibre; caliber
1045弱気 yowakitimid; weak-kneed; fainthearted
1046愛用 aiyoufavorite; habitually used
1047荒れる areruto be stormy; to be rough; to be ruined; to fall into ruin; to be in a bad temper; to lose one’;s temper
1048知的 chitekiintellectual
1049注意深い chuuibukaicareful
1050大学祭 daigakusaiuniversity festival; rag day
* indicates required